




The Main city of Tapicos is Sesolia also calles "The Sunlight City"~
Sesolia is located in the east of Gaia surrounded by huge yellow Dragon Trees and Crystal formations that make the ciry shine even in the dark of the night.
They have the biggest Mana Crystal mines in all of Gaia and trade them to Nyms for food and other goods~
In the center of the city lies the giant Crystal citadel that hold what Tapicos call the Gaiacore! A giant Manacrystal that seems to have roots that go all the way to the Core of the Planet.

Due to the massif power of Mana around the whole city, it is the main place to learn magic and using Mana.
The Solaris Scholar Academy is famouse and Tapicos as well as Nymdrya come here to learn all about magic and how to connect with Gaia~


Special Places:

📚 Solaris Scholar Academy
💎 Mana Crystal Mines
🏰 Crystal Citadel

Associated Event