Core Masterlist

This is a list of all existing cores! You can use the search field to check if a core you plan to use already exists.
Type Core Nymdrya
CORE - Land Trifolium Repens Thumbnail for NYM-001: Clover NYM-001: Clover
CORE - Land Taraxacum Ruderalia Thumbnail for NYM-002: LIO 🦁🌼 NYM-002: LIO 🦁🌼
CORE - Aquatic Nymphaea x borealis Thumbnail for NYM-003: Nerin NYM-003: Nerin
CORE - Harvest Vitis Vinifera Thumbnail for NYM-004: Kalos NYM-004: Kalos
CORE - Land Prunus Subhirtella Thumbnail for NYM-005 NYM-005
CORE - Land Taraxacum kok-saghyz Thumbnail for NYM-006 NYM-006
CORE - Land Rosaceae "Lions-Rose" Thumbnail for NYM-006 NYM-006
CORE - Land Digitalis purpurea Thumbnail for NYM-007: Zehir NYM-007: Zehir
CORE - Land Echinocereus coccineus Thumbnail for NYM-008: Kylie NYM-008: Kylie
CORE - Land Hyacinthus Orientalis Thumbnail for NYM-010: Kora NYM-010: Kora
CORE - Land Solanum dulcamara Thumbnail for NYM-012: Naya NYM-012: Naya
CORE - Land Hydrangea aspera Thumbnail for NYM-013 NYM-013
CORE - Land Allium giganteum Thumbnail for NYM-014: Amaranth NYM-014: Amaranth
CORE - Land Wisteria floribunda Thumbnail for NYM-015: Yume NYM-015: Yume
CORE - Aquatic Nymphaea caerulea Thumbnail for NYM-015: Yume NYM-015: Yume
CORE - Fungi Mycena interrupta Thumbnail for NYM-016 NYM-016
CORE - Harvest Garcinia mangostana Thumbnail for NYM-017: Balthasar 🐛💀 NYM-017: Balthasar 🐛💀
CORE - Land Salvia viridis Thumbnail for NYM-018: Sybil NYM-018: Sybil
CORE - Aquatic Nymphaea odorata (Helen Fowler) Thumbnail for NYM-019: Jolly NYM-019: Jolly
CORE - Harvest Mangifera indica Thumbnail for NYM-023: Lexi NYM-023: Lexi
CORE - Land Physalis alkekengi Thumbnail for NYM-025: Shenlong NYM-025: Shenlong